Launching your PerlQuest
Five steps to map out and launch a collaboration to find a cure for your disease, and potential cures for other diseases.
2) Discuss the possibilities
We’ll arrange a call to to help understand how we can all work together to find a cure.
3) Map our journey
Perlara will scope what the PerlQuest will need— models, experiments, brainpower and materials— then provide a proposal to you.
4) Seal the deal
We negotiate a contract that maps out research plans, budgets, and sharing rights. Then we sign a deal with the understanding that ownership rights can flex as new data and opportunities are revealed.
5) Launch your PerlQuest
We’ll all get to work. Your PerlQuest captain and crew are here to answer questions and provide updates. You’ll be able to share progress with your community at your own PerlQuest page on the Perlara web site.
Let’s get started on your PerlQuest