Pancreatitis PerlQuest
“Mission: Cure was founded to use innovative financing based on patient outcomes to find a cure for chronic pancreatitis. Our partnership with Perlara is key to discovering the underlying genetic pathways that impact pancreatic disease and will be instrumental in the discovery and development of effective therapies utilizing precision medicine technology.”
Mission: Cure co-founder and co-director
“We are excited about the prospects that the new yeast models will bring. Perlara has the expertise and platform needed to be successful in creating a very good yeast model that can be used for fast, effective drug discovery and screening. We hope to be able to move forward with further studies to repurpose existing drugs and/or develop effective, personalized treatments for chronic pancreatitis patients with CFTR and other genetic mutations”
Mission: Cure co-director
Community Partners
“The National Pancreas Foundation provides hope for those suffering from pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer through funding cutting edge research, advocating for new and better therapies, and providing support and education for patients, caregivers, and health care professionals. The National Pancreas Foundation is proud to partner with Mission: Cure to develop effective therapies for chronic pancreatitis. Mission: Cure’s PerlQuest is an exciting step toward developing therapies that will help patients.”
—Matthew Alsante
Executive Director of the National Pancreas Foundation
“I know what it’s like to be in pain and without hope, and I’m not the only one. If I could take that feeling away from every person in the world, I would. While I don’t have that power, I can help change one life at a time through Rebecca’s Wish. With love and support, suffering children can finally be given a chance at a normal life, one without the hopelessness that pediatric pancreatitis entails. For the first time, some of these children will have someone to relate to, and confidence for the future. Something like that is worth pursuing, and together we can end pancreatitis.”
—Rebecca Taylor
Founder of Rebecca’s Wish