Author: Jun Axup

Niemann-Pick Disease Type C

Niemann-Pick Disease Type C

The first lysosomal storage disorder Perlstein Lab is focusing on is Niemann-Pick disease, Type C (NPC). We decided to start with NPC not only because it is one of the most well studied lysosomal storage disorders, but also because the gene that is mutated in this...
Lab Tour

Lab Tour

Perlstein Lab is currently located at the QB3@953 biotech incubator in the Dogpatch neighborhood of San Francisco. We occupy two rows of lab benches and utilize a myriad of equipment in the facility. One of the rows of benches is for cultivating the simple model...
Intro to Lysosomal Storage Diseases

Intro to Lysosomal Storage Diseases

Lysosomes are small organelles within cells that are responsible for breaking down and recycling cellular material, such as proteins, lipids, sugars – and even entire cellular compartments – that are damaged or worn out. This essential task is carried out...
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