Last month we achieved a major scientific milestone — our first mouse pharmacokinetics (PK) data show metabolic stability of our most promising lead compound. We were busy with conference travel, and we started rolling out blogs on a more consistent basis. The month culminated in the annual Global Genes Patient Advocacy Summit, where we reconnected with old friends and made new ones.

Tom kicked things off with a blog about drug metabolism in flies. Most folks don’t realize that even though invertebrates like flies don’t have livers, they actually do express drug-metabolizing enzymes, eg, cytochrome P450s.

The first step on the road to mouse efficacy studies is mouse liver microsome stability. We work with Quintara Biosciences and Bayside BioSciences, local CROs with excellent reputations for quality and speed.

Sangeetha represented PLab at Mayo Clinic’s first annual precision medicine conference.

With everyone traveling, it was hard to get a quorum at happy hour. On this Friday it was just the guys.

People are always asking us how related model organisms are to humans. Well, here’s your answer!

Sangeetha presenting our NPC lead discovery program at Mayo’s precision med conference.

Nina, who worked on viruses and gene therapy in grad school, exposes the unexpected connections between NPC and virology in an ongoing series on the PLab blog.

Some highlights from the Global Genes Patient Advocacy Summit!

We proudly announced our Scientific Advisory Board, with experts in evolutionary biology, chemistry, mouse genetics and clinical genomics.

My second Tribute to Champions of Hope. What an inspiring evening.

And with September 2015 is in the rearview mirror…

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